Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week ONE - Return to civilization

Well I survived week one, I have pretty new boots that cost $250 and help me stand on my frog (the v shape under my hoof). Jimmy & I have put on at least 20 pounds since Susan has us on a hay plus "senior" feed supplement. Every day, Susan packs my feet, puts on a new pair of socks and the boots. I now know her routine so it takes 3 persons to put my left foot boot on as I willingly give them the right that keeps on hurting, but the left is the only one in the front I can rest on, so no way will I let them push me on the right that hurts. As for food, they drug me heavy, but they mix it with this white vanilla flavored 'greek' yogurt which is REALLY good, so I just gobble it up.
The heat here is impressive, 110° F yesterday and even if I'm in the shade (all horses at the ranch have a means of getting to shade) we feel the oppression of this beaming sun all day. Pascal is now playing at being a caretaker, feeding in the morning and sometimes 3 times a day and even if he comes to see me he lets Susan do the intensive care I need. As a ranch hand I feel he spends just too much time with the other animals, over 6 hrs a day ... and not enough time with me or Jimmy. About time he took Jimmy for walks to stretch his legs.
Apparently he's going to leave us here and go back to France mid september. Wonder what he'll do without us to give him advice. Donkeys are not only pack animals, we are essential advisors on daily matters.
I do feel better, but Susan continues to think that I'm far from being 'out of the woods', I would prefer the expression 'back into grasslands'. Pascal keeps telling me I'm going to pull out of this and be back on my feet ... it will just take time. Frankly, with the care I'm getting, I can only get better.

Well, just a short note to let you know I'm progressing. The sunrises and sunsets in Arizona are impressively beautiful. The people at the ranch marvelous and Susan the forever dedicated soul to animal welfare. Life is good for me, and Pascal is ok if really in a holding pattern until he can go back to France and re-think this going south to Chili ... Long Ears being for the present out of the question.


  1. So sorry to hear about your foot, Daisy. We met you at Reds Meadows...two little French/American children, their mom and grandmother. Well, we were hoping to run into you on the PCT near Sierra City along highway 49. We were there just last week and were scouring the ground for any sign of donkey or their human companion. We hope your foot gets better. Bisous - Leo and Manon

  2. How is she doing? We're sorry your journey has taken such a sad turn. Laurie and Bob

  3. Bonjour monsieur ,
    Je suis le fils de la famille que vous avez rencontré aux États-Unis dans un petit restaurant dans le parc de mammoth lake.
    Vous souvenez-vous ? J ai visiter de nombreuses fois votre blog ! Si vous voulez voici mon e-mail : ! N hésite pas a envoyer des mails ! Bonne continuation ! C est vraiment super !
    Aymeric Art
